Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

26568 - Language Disorders and Communication

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26568 - Language Disorders and Communication
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
301 - Degree in Nursery School Education
302 - Degree in Nursery School Education
303 - Degree in Nursery School Education
First semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

The aim of the subject is to provide to the future graduate, with an indication of attention to diversity,  the knowledge and the resources to deal with the difficulties and the disorders in the development of  communication and language, early detection, early intervention and implementing programmes that anticipate the emergence of these difficulties in children aged 3 to 6 in our sociocultural environment.

2.1. Learning goals

  1. Knowing the development of language and communication, both normal and pathological in Infant Education
  2. Knowing the theoretical basis and organization of problems related to the acquisition of communicative, speech, language and hearing skills.
  3. Detecting, identifying and evaluating the disorders and the most common difficulties at a communicative and language level in the school environment, in children aged 0-6.
  4. Knowing and being able to apply the most elementary strategies of intervention in the school environment, in communication, speech, language and hearing disorders.
  5. Establishing collaborative and supportive relations with the families and with other professionals and institutions involved.

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. It is based on active participation, case studies, teamwork etc. that favors the development of communicative skills and critical thinking. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as lectures, practical activities, practice sessions, autonomous work, tutorials, and academic guidance.

Further information regarding the course will be provided on the first day of class.

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes 6 ECTS organized according to:
- Lectures (3 ECTS): 30 hours.
- Practice sessions (2 ECTS): 20 hours.
- Autonomous work ( ECTS): 87 hours.
- Tutorials (1 ECTS): 10 hours.
- Assessment (0,3 ECTS): 3 hours.


Lectures: the professor presents theoretical contents.
Practice sessions: they can involve discussion and presentation of case studies, practical work outside the classroom (field work or visits), and seminars.
Autonomous work: students do tasks such as autonomous study, reading of the course book, preparation of practice sessions and seminars, and summative assignments.
Tutorials: professors' office hours can be used to solved doubts and to follow-up students’ work.
Assessment: final examination


5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:

1. Communication and language. Evolutionary aspects. Theories. Risk detection.
2. Communication disorders. Concepts. Classification. Evaluation and intervention in the field of Education.
3. Language, speech, hearing and voice disorders. Evaluation and intervention in the field of Education.
4. Intervention in the language and communication of students with other developmental disorders: motor disability, cognitive disability, disorders of the Autistic Spectrum.
5. Programmes of early prevention and detection in communication, speech, language and hearing disorders. Development of resources for prevention and intervention.
6. Relation with socio-health institutions and families with children with communicative and language disorders.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and further information regarding this course please refer to the Facultad de Educación de Zaragoza website (; the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de Teruel  website ( and the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca (

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Basic Bibliography / BC: Complementary Bibliography]

BB Gallardo Ruiz, José Ramón. Manual de logopedia escolar : un enfoque práctico / J. R. Gallardo Ruiz, J. L. Gallego Ortega Archidona, Málaga : Aljibe, D.L. 1993
BB Manual de desarrollo y alteraciones del lenguaje : aspectos evolutivos y patología en el niño y el adulto / Miguel Puyuelo Sanclemente, Jean-Adolphe Rondal... [et al.] Barcelona : Masson, D.L. 2003
BB Marchesi, Álvaro. Psicosociología de la comunidad sorda / Alvaro Marchesi [Madrid] : CNSE , 1999
BB Owens, Robert E.. Desarrollo del lenguaje / Robert E. OwenS ; traducción, adaptación y autoría parte española caps. 10 y 12, Alfonso J. Escudero Sanz ; revisión técnica, José Antonio Carranza Carnicero . - 5a. ed. Madrid : Pearson, D.L. 2003
BB Peña Casanova, Jordi. Manual de logopedia / Jordi Peña-Casanova . - 4ª ed. Barcelona [etc.] : Elsevier Masson, D. L. 2013
BB Torres Monreal, Santiago. Deficiencia auditiva : guía para profesionales y padres / Santiago Torres Monreal, Rafael Urquiza de la Rosa, Rafael Santana Hernández Archidona (Málaga) : Aljibe, 1999
BC Acosta Rodríguez, Víctor M.. Dificultades del lenguaje en ambientes educativos : del retraso al trastorno específico del lenguaje / Víctor M. Acosta Rodríguez, Ana Ma. Moreno Santana . - 1ª ed., 2ª reimp. Barcelona : Masson, 2005
BC Aguado, Gerardo. Trastorno específico del lenguaje : retraso de lenguaje y disfasia / Gerardo Aguado Archidona : Aljibe, D.L. 1999
BC Bosch Galceran, Laura. Evaluación fonológica del habla infantil / Laura Bosch Galceran . - 1ª ed., 1ª reimp. Barcelona (etc.) : Masson, 2005
BC Fernández-Zúñiga, Alicia. Guía de intervención logopédica en tartamudez infantil / Alicia Fernández-Zúñiga . [1ª ed.] Madrid : Síntesis, D. L. 2005
BC Gallego Ortega, José Luis. Atención logopédica al alumnado con dificultades en el lenguaje oral / José Luis Gallego Ortega, Antonio Rodríguez Fuentes . - [1ª ed.] Málaga : Aljibe, D. L. 2005
BC Gallego Ortega, José Luis. Dificultades de la articulación en el lenguaje infantil / José Luis Gallego Ortega Archidona (Málaga) : Aljibe, D.L. 2000
BC Juárez Sánchez, Adoración. Estimulación del lenguaje oral : un modelo interactivo para niños con necesidades educativas especiales / Adoración Juárez Sánchez, Marc Monfort . - Nueva ed. rev. y amp. Madrid : Entha, D.L. 2001
BC La sordera desde la diversidad cultural y lingüística : construyendo centros inclusivos en la educación del alumnado con sordera / Victor M. Acosta Rodriguez (Director) . - [1ª ed.] Barcelona ; Madrid [etc.] : Masson, cop. 2006
BC Narbona García, Juan. El lenguaje del niño : desarrollo normal, evaluación y trastornos / Juan Narbona, Claude Chevrie-Muller ; [colaboradores, Gerardo Aguado ... [et al.]] . - 2ª ed., 1ª reimp. Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, 2003
BC Sordera : comunicación y aprendizaje / coordinadora, Núria Silvestre Benach ; [Cristina Cambra Vergés ... [et al.]] . - 1ª ed., 2ª reimp. Barcelona : Masson, D.L. 1998